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Washington DC USCIS Office Reviews

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Washington DC USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
84 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #29849 on July 12, 2021:




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Review Topic: Naturalization

I had an interview for citizenship on February 2nd. I was very worried, besides, I still had some pain after my recent knee surgery and I could not sit for a long time, walk a lot. And everything went well, in a very friendly atmosphere. And I would give Washington Field Office 5* rating.
But I would like to express my opinion on the feedback system with the USCIS office. The Oath ceremony was scheduled for February 18th in Washington field office. After 16 days!!! But it was cancelled due to very bad weather. It was raining freezing that day. I received mail from USCIS that I was PLACED in line for the Oath ceremony. 5 months have passed and I still do not have a new Oath ceremony date. I think there is some kind of glitch with my case, but I have no way of knowing it. That is problem: electric answering machine moves me to the website and the website moves me to a phone call and this is repeated again in a circle. Note: 5 months ago USCIS PLACED me in line, and now, 5 mo... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #29725 on June 10, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Washington DC Review #29690 on May 31, 2021:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

My wife and myself waited about 30 minutes past the appointed time until the officer picked us up in the waiting area. He was very friendly and polite, to my surprise. He summarised the case with us and reviewed a bunch of info we had submitted previously. No difficult questions asked. The only issue was that he told us my medical record from the medical exam I underwent abroad during the K1 phase was lost by USCIS, he was very apologetic about it and informed us we wouldn't be able to find out whether my GD is approved or not today and we'd receive an RFE asking me to go to a surgeon general for a medical exam. He answered all our questions, the interview took probably approximately 30 minutes.

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Washington DC Review #29679 on May 26, 2021:




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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had our appointment at 12.15 PM, and we arrived at the USCIS Field Office in Fairfax at 11.45 AM. We entered the building and wait in the waiting room for about 10 minutes. We were called at 12.10 PM and our OI was very nice and kind. She was very interested in our story and that's all that she asked. Then we did the yes/no questions. The interview lasted around 15 minutes, and then she explained to us that we'd receive our conditional green card soon.

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Washington DC Review #29665 on May 23, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We arrived 10 minutes prior to appointment. The USCIS officer took us to the interview room on time.

After checking our passports asked us to confirm the dat in the application forms 1 130 and I 485;
Including the mostly no answers to criminal activities.

Confirmed key dates marriage etc. the visa status B1 B2. Date of arrival in USA.

showed our marriage album.

Late that evening at 7 pm status changed to new card ordered

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